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The 111 Commands of Jesus






1.  Have faith in God (Mk 11:22)

2.  Only worship & serve God (Mt 4:10)

3.  Do not tempt God (Mt 4:7)

4.  Render to God/Caesar (Mt 22:21)

5.  Believe you receive when praying  (Mk 11:24)

6.  When praying, say 'Our Father....' (Lk 11:2)

7.  Rejoice, not in having power over demons

but that your name is in heaven. (Lk 10:20)

8.  Obey commands to love God and neighbour

& you will live  (Lk 10:27-8/Mt 19:17/Mt 22:37-9)

9. After obeying Jesus commands, say

 'we have only done our duty' (Lk 17:10)



10.  Walk in the light (Jn 12:35-36)

11.  Shine your light (Mt 5:16)

12.  Go the extra mile (Mt 5:41)

13.  Follow the Golden Rule (Lk 6:31/Mt 7:12)

14.  Love one another (Jn 13:34/Jn 15:17)

15.  Love/bless/pray for enemies (Mt 5:44/Lk 6:35)

16.  Be Merciful (Lk 6:36)

17.  Forgive others (Mk 11:25-6/Mt 6:12/Lk 6:37)

18.  Forgive when praying (Mk 11:25)

19.  Forgive 70x7 (Mt 18:21-2/Lk 17:4)

20.  Let not your heart be troubled (Jn 14:1& 27)

21.  Despise not little ones (Mt 18:10)

22.  Forbid not children to come (Mt 19:14)

23.  Feed my lambs and sheep (Jn 21:15-17)

24.  Do as the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:37)

25.  Don't separate/get divorced (Mt 19:6)

26.  Continue in Jesus' love (Jn 15:9)



27.  Follow me (Jn 21:22/Mt 4:19/Lk 5:27)

28.  Abide in Jesus (Jn 15:4)

29. Remember Jesus' words (Jn 15:20)

30. Come and dine (Jn 21:12)

31.  Come to Jesus if thirsty (Jn 7:37)

32.  Do this to remember me (Lk 22:19)

33.  Keep Christ's commands if you love him

(Jn 14:15,21& 23/II Jn:6)

34.  Think not that I am come to destroy law and prophets (Mt 5:17)

35.  Do not think I bring peace to all (Mt 10:24)

36.  Watch/be ready for 2nd coming

(Lk 12:35-40/21:36/Mt 24:42-4/25:13/Mk 13:33)

37.  Be happy Jesus overcame world (Jn 16:33)



38.  Be careful the teaching(light) you follow is not a lie(darkness)

(Lk 11:35)

39.  Beware of teaching of religious/political authorities

(Mk 8:15/Mt 16:6)

40.  Beware of false prophets (Mt 7:15)

41.  Don't follow false prophets

(Lk 17:23/Lk 21:8/Mt 24:4-5&23-6)

42.  Beware of hypocrisy (Lk 12:1)

43.  Don't be called teacher etc. (Mt 23:8-10)

44.  Beware of authorities in special robes who love positions

of importance (Lk 20:46-7)

45.  Don't give charity in public (Mt 6:1-4)

46.  Don't pray in public (Mt 6:5-6)

47.  Don't use repetitions in prayer (Mt 6:7-8)

48.  Don't fast publicly, but in secret (Mt 6:5-6)

49.  Don't look sad when fasting (Mt 6:16:17)

50.  Don't advertise healings  (Mt 9:30/Mt 12:16)

51.  Don't sell things in God's house (Jn 2:16)



52.  Turn the other cheek (Mt 5:39)

53.  Don't be afraid of people (Lk 12: 4-5)

54.  Fear not those who kill body (Mt 10:28-31/Lk 12:4-7)

55.  Agree with adversaries (Mt 5:25/Lk 12:58)

56.  Don't worry what you will say in court

(Mt 10:19/Lk 12:11-12/Lk 21:14-15/Mk 13:11)

57.  Let those who sue you take your goods& extra (Mt 5:40)

58.  Give to those who ask/borrow/steal from you ( Mt 5:42/Lk 6:30)

59.  Move to another city if persecuted  (Mt 10:23)

60.  Pray your escape is not at a difficult time (Mt 24:20)

61.  Be not afraid of wars (Lk 21:9/Mk 13:7)

62.  Don't go back for stuff in Tribulation

(Lk 17:31-2/Mk 13:14-16)

63.  Rejoice when persecuted (Lk 6:23/ Mt 5:11)



64.  Judge, so that you will not be judged (Lk 6:37)

65.  Cast out the beam in your own eye first (Mt 7:5)

66.  If hand/eye offend, cut it off (Mt 5:29/Mt 18:8-9)

67.  Repent or you shall perish (Lk 13:3,5)

68.  Cleanse the inside first (Mt 23:26)

69.  Search the Scriptures (Jn 5:39)

70.  Watch yourself, lest you become lazy (Lk 21:34)

71.  Watch& pray against temptation (Mt 26:41)

72.  Be not faithless (Jn 20:27)

73.  Be mature/perfect (Mt 5:48)

74.  The greatest must be servant (Lk 22:26/Mk 10:43-4)



75.  Come to me who are heavy laden (Mt 11:28)

76.  Follow me & Let dead bury dead (Mt 8:22)

77.  You must be born again (Jn 3:3/Lk 18:17/Mk 10:15)

78.  Sell all that you own (Mt 19:21/Lk 12:33)

79.  Forsake All  (Lk 14:33)

80.  Don't delay in starting your mission, do it now (Jn 4:35/9:4/12:35)



81.  Deny self, take up cross (Mk 8:34/Mk 10:21/Lk 14:27)

82.  Don't worry about tomorrow  (Mt 6:34)

83.  Work first for God's Kingdom and what is right (Mt 6:33/Lk 12:31)

84.  Don't worry about food and clothes (Mt 6:25-31/Lk 12:22-9)

85.  Don't store up possessions (Mt 6:19-20)

86.  Go preach to whole world& teach them to obey Jesus' commands

(Mt 28:19/Mk 16:15)

87.  Take nothing for journey (Lk 9:3/10:4)

88.  Don't work for food (Jn 6:27)

89.  Don't charge for what you do (Mt 10:8)

90.  Ask, Seek, Knock (Mt 7:7/Jn 16:24)

91.  Eat whatever people give you (Lk 10:7)

92.  Take the lowest seat (Lk 14:8-10)

93.  Invite the poor to eat with you (Lk 14:12-13)

94.  Give to the poor (Lk 11:41)

95.  Give and it shall be given (Lk 6:38)

96.  Pray for labourers (Mt 9:38/Lk 10:2)

97.  Hate relatives/own life for sake of gospel (Lk 14:26)

98.  Enter by narrow door (Mt 7:13/Lk 13:24)



99.    Be wise as serpents/harmless as doves (Mt 10:16)

100.  Don't give truth to dogs/pigs (Mt 7:6)

101.  What you hear in secret preach openly (Mt 10:27)

102.  Hear if you have ears (Mk 4:23-5)

103.  Murmur not (Jn 6:43)

104.  Don't be angry, or say 'you fool' to a brother (Mt 5:22)

105.  Have salt in yourselves, peace with each other (Mk 9:50)

106.  Use 3-stage Grievance System (Mt 18:15-17)

107.  When you must judge, do it fairly (Jn 7:24)

108.  Rebuke brother who sins, forgive brother who repents

(Lk 17:3/Mt 18:15-17)

109.  Reconcile with brother before offering gift (Mt 5:24)

110.  Don't make promises (Mt 5:34-7)

111.  Don't forbid others to preach Christ (Lk 9:50)

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